China GMP Compliance Service
China GMP compliance service include China GMP Gap Analysis, Customized GMP Training, China Supplier Audit, Mock China GMP Audit.

GMP Regulation Interpretation
Provision Interpretation Background Introduction Recommendations

QMS Gap Analysis
Compare your QMS system versus China GMP requirements.
Provide report addressing the provisions impact and recommendations

Supplier Audit
China local audit team Covered ISO 13485, ISO9000, GMP, and you designated standards. Saving Cost and Quick Arrangement

Standards Identification
China adopts independent standards, such as GB, YY, GB/T, YY/T standards. Our expert can help you identify applicable standards according to your products.

Standards Gap Analysis
Many foreign countries introduce ISO standards or their national standards. Gaps are found between ISO standards and China GB/YY standards. Find the gaps will help you to pass NMPA inspections and keep life-cycle compliance.

Customized GMP Training
China GMP is somehow rigid than cGMP. Awareness of China GMP throughout the company can make it easy to promote the implementation of China GMP in your specific sites.

Standards Translation
We can help you to translate the China GB/YY standards into English.
The gaps between China GMP and cGMP make many foreign manufacturers frustrated. A good consulting firm will help you to analysis the pros and cons, and help you to make a decisive decision.
Whether you’re curious about a free talk, or even press, we’re here to answer any questions.
GVM MedTech RA/QA Service
Why Choose Us
Good Knowledge
We dedicate to study the regulation update context that we provide you the accurate insight of the regulations.
Bilingual & Cross-Cultural Experts
Our project manager (PM), business development rep (BD), and part of the experts have background working in US and China.
A network of industry experts
The diversity of the medical device industry makes expert networks extremely important
Hard Working
We respect your time and money, our U.S. and Chinese teams worked together to create a 7/24 rhythm. We will try our best to keep your project proceed in a timely manner.